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For 2-4 players of any skill level

  • Plays Like Chess

    The game is essentially chess with a few extra rules because of the extra players. Move, Capture, Check, and Checkmate all work the same. Players should know how to play chess before trying Warlord Chess.

  • Levels the Playing Field

    Because of the number of players and makeup of the board, the best player won't always win, and every player has a chance. In fact, the winning player will quickly find themselves the target of all the others!

  • More Fun Than It Should Be

    Do you smile and laugh when you play chess? People that play Warlord Chess do. We've watched them at conventions for over 20 years and they love the special moves and ever changing board.

Rewards Multiple Play Styles

  • Rewards Logical Play

    Despite it's differences from it's ancestor, Warlord Chess is chess. Those with a knowledge, experience, or talent in the basic game will have some advantage in Warlord Chess.

  • Rewards Creative Play

    Because so much is going on, it's hard to look more than a couple of moves ahead. Players that can react to an ever changing board and make creative moves at the right time will have an advantage.

  • Rewards Social Play

    Players can interfere with each others captures and checks, and can even steal each other's checkmates. A player that can take advantage of temporary alliances and truces will have an advantage.

Common Questions

OK so it's mostly chess. What's different?

A lot! Here's some key differences

1. You play until everyone has had 40 turns. Then the game ends. Players count up the point value of the pieces they've captured - and the high score wins! Of course you can also win by checkmating your last opponent.

2. There are special spaces on the board - the chaos symbol and the castles - that give pieces options when they move. This is the true magic of the game.

How does castling work?

It doesn't! Castling has been replaced with a group of spaces called the Castle - each player starts with one in their kingdom.

In a similar vein, En Passante has been replaced with the Chaos Symbol.

Do we need 4 players to play?

Nope. Rules are included for 2 and 3 player games.

Do I need to know how to play chess to play?

Yes but you don't have to be proficient. You should know the basics - how the pieces move and how check and checkmate work.

How much harder is Warlord Chess than regular chess?

Here's the thing - it's not! Because there is so much going on, you really can't look ahead more than a couple of moves. That lets you concentrate on short term tactic over long term strategy. It lets you focus on the FUN!

Choose Your Opponents - Choose Your Colors!

Choose 4 colors from our selection of 12 to make your game look the way you like - or - to delight your players by making sure their favorite color is in the game. We offer several mixes as suggestions, but you should feel free to create your own.

Ready to Order? Choose a Premixed Set or Customize Your Own

If you aren't ready, scroll down for more information about the game and how to play it.

Introduction to Warlord Chess

Here's some good information from a Kickstarter we did a few years back.

How to Play Warlord Chess

Danny explains the game in this video from a Kickstarter we did a few years back.